Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Reminders For Amber #34 - Be Always Learning

Always be learning. Just as you should always be curious, you should always be open to the opportunities to learn something new, some new information, an updated data, a novel idea, even a different perspective.

They say that the capacity to learn is a gift, the ability to learn a skill but the willingness to learn, that is a choice. Always choose to learn. It is the one treasure that you can take anywhere, more precious than anything, and one that cannot be taken from you. Just as certain as the sun will shine and keep burning is the fact that, in life, we should keep learning or perish.

Remember that Alanis Morisette song I play in the car? You live, you learn; you love, you learn; you cry/lose/bleed…you learn. So read, teach, talk, listen, share, experience, debate, suffer stuff but from it all, LEARN. Go ahead and learn a new song, a better way to cook potatoes (yes potatoes!), speak a new language, gain a new skill. Learning is about living and for certain, learning is life-long. So learn, Amber, learn well and keep learning.

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

Reminders For Amber #33 - Be Thankful

Always appreciate and give thanks for the things that you have. Never let the things you want make you forget or take for granted the many, many things that you already possess. Take time to be thankful for them because, just as you know you can always try to have more, you could possibly also have less.

Be thankful even for the bad things that come your way for they make you appreciate more the good things that you have. If you focus on finding good in any situation, you will discover that your life is actually quite good. So be thankful and that gratitude will nurture your soul.

Appreciate the people in your life, dear Amber. Always say “thank you”. Be grateful for everyday you are alive. Gratitude is the greatest of all virtues for it makes you humble and hopeful and humane. Our simple gestures of gratitude and thanks also warms the hearts of others. Gratitude is the one sure way to bring a positive change in your life. Now and then, it is good to take a break from our pursuit of happiness to simply just be happy. Always remember that it is not what you have in your pockets that make you happy but what you have in your heart. Be thankful, dear child, for that and always give thanks.

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Reminders For Amber #32 - Be Bold

Doors open to those who are bold enough to knock, and more so, for those who dare enough to enter. Great opportunities come to the bold, the brilliant, and the brave. Go and dream your dreams but be bold enough to live those dreams and make them real. For being bold has genius, power and magic in it. 

Notice how normal letters get more noticed when bold? Dare to be bold Amber! Put a grain of boldness in everything you do. Take your fears by the horns and tame them. You gain courage, wisdom and so much more in life when you really stop and look your fears in the eyes and deny them control over you. There is nothing more bad-ass than being bold.

Often, life’s failures and pains covers you in a blanket of fear and caution but what kind of life is it when you just color inside the lines? Be bold and use your voice to say what you think. Be bold enough to wear the colors that you like, play the music that makes your heart sing; do the things that bring you immense joys.

No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess. Nowhere was ever reached or conquered without someone being bold enough to take the first step. They say that fortune always favors the bold. They also say that there is freedom in being bold. So dear Amber, be bold, be bold and in everything be bold.