Sunday, November 08, 2015

Reminders For Amber #11 - Be Full of Hope

Never lose hope.  Never.

In life, you will be tested and sometimes you will be down and beaten.  But get up and never lose hope because whatever it is that you are suffering from at that very moment, that too shall pass.  Things change.  Things end.  When you have nothing left but you still have hope, you have everything you need.

If you are full of hope, you do not fall into despair.  You give life one more shot because you know that if you are well and truly down in the gutters, there is no other way to go but up.

It is darkest before dawn but a new day always comes.  Hope should spring eternal in your being.  Hope will bring you through the toughest storms and the most terrible of loses.  To hope is to know that life will go on.

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